The utility of multiparticle, multihole configuration mixing as a mechanism for resolving certain theoretical-experimental discrepancies for muon capture and photodisintegration on O16 is considered. An O16 ground state containing a two-particle, two-hole (2p-2h) component is assumed. The usual particle-hole odd-parity states are amended to contain three-particle, three-hole configuration admixtures consistent with the choice of the more complicated ground state. The results of the calculations indicate that the configuration-mixing model can appreciably lower the partial muon-capture rates to the lowest 0, 1, and 2 states. Moreover, a shift in the energy distribution of the transition strength, obtained in the model calculations, lowers the capture rate and photodisintegration cross section in and below the giant-resonance region. However, correction terms, arising mainly from 0+1+ (2p-2h) allowed Gamow-Teller transitions, seem to preclude a lowering of the total capture rate.

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