Sterility, dysmenorrhea and anteflexion in cases in which no pathologic condition can be found must have as their cause some variation from the normal. After the examination of the male has revealed numerous normal motile spermatozoa, and after the examination of the female has shown no pathologic condition of the genital tract from the vulva to the ovary, sterility is still a puzzle to the gynecologist. Factors such as incompatibility of man and wife, stenosis of the cervix, and anteflexion of the uterus are laid down as causes, but they may be only steps in a chain in the individuals having a general hypertonic condition of all muscle fibers, especially the circular smooth muscles, sometimes the autonomic nerve fibers predominating and at other times the sympathetic. Haas1describes the hypertonic infant and the successful treatment of hypertonic stenosis and pylorospasm with atropin. Whether or not this and other hypertonic