Resonant Amplification of Sound by Conduction Electrons

A Boltzmann equation technique is used to calculate the angular distribution of sound amplified by conduction electrons under various conditions. It was found that if vd is the drift velocity of the electrons, and q^ a unit vector in the direction of propagation of sound, amplification occurs for all q^ such that q^·vd>vs, where vs is the velocity of sound. Resonance peaks in the amplification occur at certain directions of propagation. For a semimetal in crossed electric and magnetic fields resonant amplification occurs when q^·vdvF(q^·H^)vs (where H^ is a unit vector in the direction of the magnetic field, and vF the Fermi velocity) if ql1, where l is the mean free path of the electrons and q the wave number of the sound wave; if ql1 resonance peaks occur for q^·vdvs. The peak amplification is rather insensitive to the value of vdvs, and varies with frequency as ql. For a metal or semiconductor in an applied electric field only, resonant amplification occurs for those directions of propagation such that q^·vdvs, if ql1, and the peak amplification is independent of vdvs. There are no resonances in this case of ql1.