Management of Recurrent Urinary Stress Incontinence by the Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz Vesicourethropexy

We studied 114 women who underwent the Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz vesicourethropexy as a secondary procedure for recurrent stress incontinence. Of 99 patients for whom data were available the first operation consisted of vaginal procedures only in 57 (group 1) and suprapubic procedures somewhat related to our method of vesicourethropexy in 42 (group 2). The success rate for group 1 was 80 per cent, while it was 90 per cent for group 2. Cured and improved rates were similar (95 to 96 per cent, respectively). Significant complications occurred in 12.6 per cent of the patients. The high success rate combined with a reasonably long followup indicates that a repeat Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz vesicourethropexy certainly is warranted and can be expected to provide a good result in at least 90 per cent of the cases.