The capture cross sections of Ba138, Ce140,142, Lu176, Ta181 and the capture cross section of Lu175 to the 3.68 h isomeric state in Lu176 have been determined at 30 keV neutron energy using the activation technique. Neutrons were generated via the Li7(p,n) reaction just above the reaction threshold at a 3 MV pulsed Van de Graaff accelerator. The capture cross sections are of importance to stellar nucleosynthesis. With the Ba138 and Ce140 cross sections the time integrated average neutron flux for the s process was determined to 0.22 mb1. This result, the capture cross section of Lu176 and the Lu175 cross section to the 3.68 h isomeric state in Lu176 were used to analyze the Lu176 cosmic clock. The mean s process age of solar matter before the solidification of the solar system was estimated to 6 × 109 yr. In addition the Hf/Lu abundance ratio was determined.