1. Six species of Amitermes, one from Panama and five from California, have been examined for protozoa. Certain protozoa have been found in many or all individuals examined of all species, but they are much less abundant than are flagellates in termites of the three xylophagous families below the Termitidae.2. Trichomonas lighti n.sp. has been found in all species, but not in all individuals.3. Chilomastix minuta n.sp. occurs in Amitermes beaumonti.4. Embadomonas termitis n.sp. is described from Amitermes beaumonti.5. Endamoeba beaumonti n.sp. has been observed in five host species. In its size and nuclear structure it resembles Endamoeba disparata of Mirotermes hispaniolae.6. Nyctotherus silvestrianus n.sp. has been found in three of the Californian species. It resembles N. termitis and N. ovalis, but is larger than the former and smaller than the latter. A long filament is attached to the end of the cytopharynx. A thickened, V-shaped structure lies against the cyto-pharynx. Several deeply staining fibrils arise from this V.7. A coccidian has been found in one individual of Amitermes minimus. This forms sixteen banana-formed merozoites and three sporoblasts as in Chagasella.8. Micro-organisms other than protozoa are very abundant in the intestines of all six species of Amitermes, and they are similar in all.