The caeca of the domestic fowl and digestion of the crude fibre complex

The literature concerning crude fibre digestion and caecal function in poultry is briefly reviewed. Digestibility trials are described, in which cockerels are compared before and after caecectomy; these birds after caecectomy are also compared with normal intact ones of the same age. The trials showed a reduction in faecal dry matter after caecectomy, indicating that the caeca are active in absorption of water from the digesta. Faecal dry matter content seems to be more characteristic of the bird than of the food it eats. There was a reduction in the overall digestibility of dry matter in the food after caecectomy, and also in that of crude fibre, though the latter effect is dependent on the food being eaten and on its crude fibre content. Cellulose digestibility in a given bird was lowered, but the effect is not always evident between one bird and another, indicating that cellulose is digested bacterially in the caecum. No effect was found on pentosan and starch digestion.