1. A neutral peptidase, previously shown to be located in the brush border of the proximal tubule, and assayed by its ability to hydrolyse [(125)I]iodoinsulin B chain was purified from rabbit kidney. 2. The starting material for the purification was a microsomal pellet prepared from a homogenate of cortical tissue. The membrane-bound enzymes were solubilized by treatment with toluene and trypsin. About half the neutral peptidase activity was released by this treatment in a form that no longer sedimented with the microsomal pellet and which penetrated polyacrylamide gels when subjected to disc electrophoresis. Other treatments with detergents or proteolytic enzymes either inactivated the peptidase or failed to convert it into a genuinely soluble form. 3. Chromatography with successive columns of Sephadex G-200, DEAE-cellulose and hydroxyl-apatite yielded an enzyme that was free of other brush-border peptidase activities and which was homogeneous on disc electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation. 4. The purified enzyme attacked [(125)I]iodoglucagon at a rate comparable with that for [(125)I]iodoinsulin B chain. It did not appear to attack proteins (insulin, albumin and casein) that had been similarly iodinated. 5. Unlabelled insulin B chain and unlabelled glucagon were substantially hydrolysed by the endopeptidase, whereas insulin and albumin released only trivial amounts of ninhydrin-reacting material. The resistance of insulin to attack by endopeptidase, even after prolonged incubation, was confirmed by biological and immunoassay. 6. The specificity of the peptidase was determined by analysis of the products after incubating unlabelled insulin B chain, and some oligopeptide substrates, including pentagastrin, with the enzyme. All of the bonds readily cleaved were those involving the alpha-amino group of hydrophobic residues, i.e. x-Leu-, x-Val-, x-Tyr-, x-Phe- and x-Met-, provided that the residues were not C-terminal. 7. The enzyme showed only endopeptidase activity. Substrates suitable for aminopeptidases, carboxypeptidases or esterases were not attacked.