The Biological Effects of Laser Radiation

THE NECESSARY CONDITIONS for a quantum- radiation generator were first postulated by V. A. Fabrikant in his doctoral dissertation published by the Lebedev Institute in 1939.1Actual construction of the first molecular oscillator ormaser(MicrowaveAmplification by theStimulatedEmission ofRadiation) was reported by Gordon and associates in 1954.2In 1958, Schawlow and Townes3further demonstrated the feasibility of extending the maser principle to shorter wavelengths in the visible light spectrum. In 1960, Maiman4succeeded in inducing stimulated emission in a ruby crystal. This visible light or optical maser utilized the principle ofLightAmplification by theStimulatedEmission ofRadiation (laser). Since Maiman's original work, extensive and concentrated research has resulted in the development of other types of laser crystals and other types of lasers, ie, the gaseous continuous wave orCWlaser