Remote sounding of atmospheric temperature from satellites IV. The selective chopper radiometer for Nimbus 5

An improved version of the selective chopper radiometer which has successfully flown for three years on the Nimbus 4 satellite has been built for the Nimbus 5 satellite which was launched in December 1972. The new instrument has 16 channels, eight of which observe emission from the 15 μm band of carbon dioxide for remote temperature sounding, two observe emission from water-vapour and ice clouds in the far infrared, one observes emission from low atmospheric water-vapour, three are in spectral regions where the atmosphere is substantially transparent, i.e. window regions, and two observe reflected sunlight from high clouds near to 2.7 μm in the near infrared. The horizontal resolution of the instrument is about 25 km and a complete set of measurements is made every 4 s. The design, construction and calibration of the instrument are described.