Cell cultures prepared from embryos of a control stock of Drosophila melanogaster respond to ultraviolet light with a decline and subsequent recovery both of thymidine incorporation and in the ability to synthesize nascent DNA in long segments. Recovery of one or both capacities is absent or diminished in irradiated cells from ten nonallelic mutants that are defective in DNA repair and from four of five nonallelic mutagen-sensitive mutants that exhibit normal repair capabilities. Recovery of thymidine incorporation is not observed in nine of ten DNA repair-defective mutants. On the other hand, partial or complete recovery of incorporation is observed in all but one repair-proficient mutagen-sensitive mutant. Irradiated cells from two mutants that display no excision capacity exhibit a gradual arrest of thymidine incorporation within 20 h after the initial decline. This arrest of incorporation is not observed in mutants exhibiting only partial defects in excision repair. Recovery of the ability to synthesize nascent DNA in long segments is normal in cells from the two mutants that display no excision capacity, indicating that recovery does not depend upon the excision of pyrimidine dimers from cellular DNA. Recovery of that ability is not observed, however, in cells from one partially excision-defective mutant, two of three postreplication repair-defective mutants, two of four mutants defective in both excision and postreplication repair, and one of five repair-proficient mutagen-sensitive mutants. These results indicate that recovery of normal DNA replication in irradiated Drosophila cells depends upon the activity of several functions.

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