Salmonella suipestifer is seldom encountered in the study of human disease, in spite of its close relationship with the typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli. For some time after knowledge of its association with the virus of hog cholera was recognized, bacteriologists waged a controversy as to its pathogenicity for man. In recent years, especially since the World War, there has been conclusive evidence of its specific relationship to some forms of human disease. During the war, there appeared reports from southern Europe and Asia Minor of epidemics of gastro-enteritis caused by a bacillus resembling that of paratyphoid fever, which was subsequently named the paratyphoid C bacillus. These epidemics were of brief duration and mild in character; especially noteworthy were those reported by MacAdam1 in Mesopotamia and by Hirschfeld2 in Serbia. A few years later, TenBroeck3 and Andrewes and Neave4 (working independently) identified this paratyphoid C bacillus as