Hadroproduction of quark flavors

We show that the extension of the conserved-vector-current hypothesis to gluons successfully describes the magnitude and energy dependence of the hadroproduction of strangeness, charm, and b, t flavors in their manifest (K, D, B) or hidden (φ, ψ, ϒ) forms. We investigate the relation between the hadronic excitation of ψ and ϒ particles for different assumptions regarding the quark structure of ϒ. In our approach cross sections are simply obtained by rescaling experimental data on the production of virtual photons by αg2(M)α2, where αg(M) is the quark-gluon coupling constant, varying with the gluon mass M in the sense of asymptotic freedom. We propose the powerful phenomenological tool that the total inclusive yield for producing flavor bound states scales in ΓM3 where M and Γ are respectively the mass and direct hadronic width of the state. We also show that the model successfully describes the relative production rates of dileptons (via ψ as well as "off-resonance") for different beam particles.