1. At constant temperature, with a fixed proportion of light time in a flash cycle (namely, tL/tD = 1), the mean critical intensity for motor response to visual flicker by the turtle Pseudemys scripta follows a probability integral (log I) as a function of flash frequency F. The fit is close and satisfactory; certain quite minor but consistent deviations are adequately explained by features of the experiments. 2. The variation (σI) of critical I is directly proportional to the mean critical intensity (Im), over the entire explorable range. 3. These facts are consistent with the fact that the retina of this turtle is devoid of rods. It contains only cones, histologically, which, with their central representations, provide a single population of sensory effects. The properties of this population are compared with those of homologous populations deduced from corresponding measurements with other forms (various fishes; amphibian; man) which exhibit two such groups of sensory effects associated with the possession of retinal rods and cones. 4. Certain other formulations which have previously been applied to homologous data obtained with other organisms do not properly describe the Pseudemys measurements. 5. The use of a probability integral to describe the data of response to visual flicker for the dissection of the compound curves provided by animals possessing both rods and cones, is accordingly Justified. 6. Persisting differences among individuals of Pseudemys as regards the values of the critical flash intensity under various conditions of experimentation are of the same order of magnitude as are the transitory differences found in lots of other kinds of animals. 7. Determinations of mean critical flash frequency (Fm) at fixed levels of I lie slightly above determinations of Im at fixed values of I, as with other forms. The variation of critical flash frequency goes through a maximum as log I is increased; its height is lower than with certain other forms, in correlation with the low general slope of the F - log I curve (more properly, band). 8. These facts are consistent with the view that the dispersions of the individual critical intensities (and flash frequencies) are determined by organic variation rather than by "experimental error." 9. When the temperature is altered the F - log Im curve is shifted, with no change of Fmax. or of shape; the curve moves to lower intensities as the temperature is raised. 10. The reciprocal of the mean critical intensity, at fixed flash frequency, is a measure of excitability. With increase of temperature (12.5° to 36°) 1/Im for given F follows the Arrhenius equation, exhibiting a "break" at 29.5° (µ = 26,700, 12.5° to 29.5°; 12,400, 29.5° to 36°). This is explained by the necessary theory that, the number of elements of sensory effect required for the index response at fixed F being constant, the ease of their excitation is governed by temperature through its control of the velocity of an interrelated system of catalyzed processes common to all of the sensory elements concerned.

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