The drug was used (1) as drops, 500 Oxford u./ml.; (2) an ointment, 100 units/g., in lanette wax and vaseline. About 50% of the patients reported transitory smarting after instillation of drops, and a more pronounced and prolonged effect after use of the ointment. The drops remained active in the con-juctival sacs for 4 hrs. and the ointment for 6 hrs. Indications for the use of penicillin include blepharitis, acute infective conjunctivitis, infective corneal ulcers, chronic dacryocystitis, recurrent styles, infected chalazion, all cases of serious injury to the eye, all cases of facial burns involving the eye, routine postoperative treatment, and control of secondary penicillin-sensitive infections in conditions not affected per se by penicillin, i.e., episcleritis, trachoma, phlyctenular keratitis, marginal ulceration, her-petic keratitis, etc. The possibilities of recurrences must be considered, as also the presence of more general infection. Use of penicillin is not indicated in deep keratitis, iritis or cyclitis.