Charge-density-wave mechanism in the2HNbSe2family: Angle-resolved photoemission studies

We report high-resolution angle resolved photoemission studies of 2HNbSe2 and 2HTaS2. Results are compared to those of 2HTaSe2. We find that the normal state electronic structures in this family of materials have the same basic characteristics. Their Fermi surface consists of a pocket around Γ and another one around K. They all exhibit a saddle band near EF along Γ-K. A finite energy gap is observed in the saddle band region and on the Fermi surface around K in 2HTaS2 and 2HTaSe2. Gapping on the Fermi surface around Γ was not observed. We suggest that the charge density waves in this family of materials originate from a combination of the partial nesting of the Fermi surface around K and the saddle band.