The diagrammatic method used by Abe to obtain the Helmholtz free energy of the classical electron gas is used to derive the pair distribution function beyond the Debye-Hückel result. The calculation can be done systematically either in configuration space or wave-number space and is carried out exactly to O(Λ2) where Λ=14πρλD3 is the classical plasma parameter. It is shown that g(r) has the form g(r)=eβus[1+g2b(r)+g2c(r)], where us=(e2r)exp(rλD) is the Debye screened potential, and g2b and g2c are functions of rλD which are evaluated analytically to O(Λ2). For the region βe2<r<λD the correction in brackets multiplying the Boltzmann factor exp(βus) is less than 1. A surprising result is that for rλD the linear Debye-Hückel theory does not correctly describe the disappearance of particle correlations, and instead the correction function g2c dominates. As r it is found that g(r)118(ln3)Λ2exp(rλD).