The Mitogenic Effect of the Lymphocytosis Promoting Factor from Bordetella Pertussis on Human Lymphocytes

The purified lymphocytosis promoting factor (LPF) from Bordetella pertussis was found to be a potent mitogen for peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from normal adults as well as for cord blood lymphocytes. Proliferation occurred in autologous plasma or fetal calf serum, regardless of previous exposure to pertussis infection or immunization. Only one adult human serum, from a physician constantly working with B. pertussis, inhibited the mitogenic response to LPF and this serum was shown to contain precipitating antibody against LPF. The proliferative effect of LPF was characteristic of a “nonspecific” mitogen and not of antigen stimulation of sensitized cells. LPF, phytohemagglutinin, and concanavalin A were approximately equal in potency although variation occurred depending upon the cell donor. Experiments with lymphocyte subpopulations obtained by rosetting techniques employing sheep erythrocytes, mouse erythrocytes, and sheep erythrocytes coated with antibody and complement suggested the requirement of a multicellular system for LPF mitogencity. PBL from most patients with chronic lymphatic leukemia and lymphosarcoma cell leukemia were even less responsive to LPF than to phytohemagglutinin, whereas PBL from patients with lymphosarcoma usually responded to both mitogens. It can be inferred from the results of experiments with both normal and leukemic cells that LPF, which is a murine thymus-derived (T)-cell mitogen, is also a T-cell mitogen for human PBL. The exact cell requirement and mode of action, however, are as yet unknown.