In the 1st group of experiments by the author the inherent power of the normal stomach to heal was verified. In the 2nd, out of 20 experiments in which the operation for surgical duodenal drainage was performed after the method of Mann and Williamson, jejunal ulcers of subacute and chronic types were produced in 100 % of the experiments. In the 3rd group, out of 20 experiments in which small areas of gastric mucosa were excised and surgical duodenal drainage instituted at the same time, all areas showed delay in healing in 100 % of the experiments. In 50% of all except the brief experiments, gastric ulcers of subacute and chronic type were produced on the lesser curvature, while similar areas on the greater curvature healed. In the 4th group, out of 20 experiments, in which surgical duodenal drainage was instituted and followed 2 weeks later by excision of small areas of gastric mucosa, all areas showed delay in healing in 100% of the experiments. In 62.5% of the more prolonged experiments gastric ulcers of subacute and chronic type were produced on the lesser curvature while similar areas on the greater curvature healed. An analysis of the conditions present and the factors operating emphasized the importance of the chemical and mechanical factors in the etiology of chronic peptic ulcer.

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