Using as the fundamental premises the fact, shown by Wieland, that Pt will remove H from a hydrogenated reductant, and the process 2H+ + 2 electrons H2 as the electrode process, D, is derived the equation for potentials of systems of the general type, H2 + AH2A. This is discussed in relation to Clark''s theory of electron transport. It is possible to consider that the potential is due to the activity of the H atom (H ion electron). While the sulfhydryl system seems at first glance to be at variance with the foregoing, especially in light of the fact that a N/500 glutathione solution has an r H of 13 while the reducing activity of the solution is of the order of r H 8, this variation is further proof of the theory, since the action of the electrode compensates for the slow reaction of the[long dash]SH group. Substitution of a Hg for a Au electrode showed that this explanation was correct.

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