Fine structure of Rydberg states. III. New measurements inD,F, andGstates ofHe4

We report further accurate measurements of fine structure in D, F, and G Rydberg states of He4 obtained using a microwave-optical resonance method and electron-bombardment excitation. Single-quantum electricdipole transitions 10D2110F31,3, 11D2111F31,3, 12DJ312FJ1,3, and 6F316G41, and two-quantum transitions 7D217G41,3, 9D219G41,3, 10DJ310GJ1,3, and 16P116F31,3 were observed. Both electrostatic and relativistic fine-structure intervals were determined with uncertainties less than 1 MHz and are compared with theoretical results. The data constitute the first measurements of G-state fine structure in helium. Series formulas incorporating all our measurements are given for serveral resonance series, and we show that the entire series nF31nG41 can be predicted to within 75 ppm.