B-cell influences on the induction of allotype suppressor T cells

Allotype suppressor T[thymus-derived]-cell (Ts) populations that persist for the life of the animal arose in (BALB/c .times. SJL)F1 hybrids exposed perinatally to antibody to the paternal (Ig[immunoglobulin]-1b) allotype on IgG2a-isotype Ig H chains. These Ts suppressed Ig-1b production by depleting the supply of allotype-specific helper T cells (Th) required, in addition to carrier-specific Th, for the latter stages of Ig-1b memory B[bone marrow-derived]-cell differentiation. In this study, specific Ig-1 allotype Ts were induced by perinatal exposure to antisera which interfered with normal B cell maturation, i.e., by antibodies reactive with surface IgM on immature precursors of IgG2a memory cells. Antibodies to IgM (Ig-6) allotypes carried on precursors induced specific suppression for the IgG2a allotype produced by progeny of the target precursor. Anti-Ig-6a and anti-Ig-6b induced Ts that specifically suppress Ig-1a and Ig-1b, respectively. Heterologous (goat) anti-IgM induced suppression for both IgG2a immunoglobulins (Ig-1a and Ig-1b). Ts activity in these antiprecursor-Ig-suppressed mice was expressed in adoptive transfer assays and, as with anti-Ig-1b-induced Ts, was rendered ineffective by cotransfer of adequate numbers of T cells but not B cells from nonsuppressed mice. The Ts induction, in contrast with Ts expression, was reversed by the introduction of appropriate adult B cell populations from nonsuppressed donors. The development of mature B cells apparently plays a central role in the early establishment of the balance between helper cells and suppressor cells that determines whether Ts or Th will dominate in regulating Ig-1b production in adult animals.