Contrast Enhanced MRI

An osmotic model of blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption was studied by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging (0.5 T) in 17 canines. The animals were killed after imaging and the lesions confirmed on gross pathology by the presence of Evans blue dye. No accompanying cerebral edema was demonstrated on histologic examination. The disrupted BBB could be identified in only one of five control animals on unenhanced MRI, despite the use of calculated T1 and T2 images. In a second group of five animals, the area of abnormal vascular permeability was consistently demonstrated after IV injection of 0.25 mmol/kg Gd DTPA. The time course of enhancement was evaluated in four additional animals. The brain tissue concentration of the gadolinium ion responsible for the observed enhancement was determined by ion coupled plasma analysis in the last three canines. In a study of pulse techniques, spin echo sequences with both short TRs and TEs (ie, SE 500/30) and inversion recovery techniques proved to be most efficacious for the detection of contrast enhancement. However, contrast could be demonstrated on more T2 weighted sequences.