The slightly anisogamous gametes of Ulva lactuca exhibit a cruciate flagellar root system consisting of 4 microtubular roots (4-2-4-2 system) and an elaborate system of fibrous roots associated with the 2-stranded microtubular roots. Two fibres (32-nm striation periodicity; system I fibres) closely underlie each of the 2-stranded roots, while different fibres (150-nm striation periodicity; system II fibres) run parallel to the root microtubules, and are 150–200 nm more internally located. Female gametes have 4 system II fibres, 3 of which are combined into a compound fibre associated with one microtubular root, while the fourth fibre is associated with the opposite root. In male gametes only 2 system II fibres are present, each underlying one of the two 2-stranded roots. A special region of the plasmalemma of both gamete types about 0.5 mum away from the basal bodies and located between 2 adjacent microtubular roots is structurally specialized and acts as a mating structure in gametic fusion. The region is oval-shaped and up to I.I mum long with a maximum diameter of 0.7 mum. A continuous electron-dense boundary layer underlies the plasmalemma at the edges of the mating structure. In both gamete types the mating structure consists of a fuzzy layer of material underlying the plasmalemma and special granules (60 nm diameter) are associated with this layer on its cytoplasmic side. In addition diffuse material overlies the mating structure, especially in male gametes. The mating structure is connected to 3 different kinds of flagellar roots: the boundary layer is linked to a 2-stranded microtubular root and its associated system I fibre; the fuzzy layer of the mating structure is connected with a system II fibre; and in female gametes this is the compound system II fibre. The ultrastructural changes which occur after mixing the 2 gamete types have been followed. Mating structure activation involves contraction of system II fibres (change of striation periodicity to 100 nm), detachment of special granules from the fuzzy layer of the mating structure and their replacement by electron-transparent vesicles at the prospective cell fusion site. Furthermore, release of electron-dense contents from Golgi-derived vesicles in the anterior part of both gamete types precedes cell fusion. Cell fusion is exclusively initiated in a region delimited by the 2 mating structures. After partial dissolution the 2 plasma membranes unite within the mating structure regions. The ultrastructure of gametic fusion in Ulva lactuca is compared to that of other green algae and the significance of flagellar roots in the mating process of green algae is discussed.