The Effects of Benzyladenine, Cycloheximide, and Cordycepin on Wilting-Induced Abscisic Acid and Proline Accumulations and Abscisic Acid- and Salt-Induced Proline Accumulation in Barley Leaves

Benzyladenine inhibits proline accumulation in wilted, abscisic acid (ABA)-treated, and salt-shocked barley leaves. It does not affect ABA accumulation or disapperance in wilted leaves. Inhibition of proline accumulation in salt-shocked leaves was observed both when benzyladenine was added at the beginning of or after salt treatment. Cycloheximide (CHX) and cordycepin inhibited both ABA and proline accumulations in wilted barley leaves and proline accumulation in ABA-treated leaves. In salt-shocked leaves, cordycepin inhibited proline accumulation when added after salt treatment but before proline began to accumulate but not when added after the onset of proline accumulation. CHX delayed the accumulation of proline in salt-shocked leaves but, after a period of time, proline accumulated in the CHX-treated leaves at rates comparable to the salt-treated control. This delay and subsequent accumulation was observed when CHX was added before, during, and after salt treatment. However, the earlier in the salt treatment period that CHX was given, the longer was the observed delay. These results are interpreted to indicate that gene activation is involved in proline accumulation in response to wilting, to ABA, and to salt in barley leaves. This gene activation is in addition to the gene activation that is required for ABA accumulation in wilted leaves. If ABA accumulation is required for proline accumulation in wilted barley leaves, then two sets of gene activation are involved in wilting-induced proline accumulation. All of our results are consistent with this possibility but do not prove it. The inhibition of proline accumulation by benzyladenine is probably neither due to an effect on gene activation nor to an effect on the ABA level.