The hyperfine structure and zeeman effect of the resonance lines of silver

In the work described below, the hyperfine structure of the resonance lines of silver was investigated by the method of absorption in an atomic beam. The intensities of the observed components were measured, and the structure in a magnetic field was observed; from the results the nuclear spins and magnetic moments of both of the isotopes of silver were determined. Experimental 1—The Spectrograph and Interferometer The high resolving power instrument used was a Fabry-Pérot interferometer combined with a 1½-m. spectrograph, fitted with a Cornu quartz prism and quartz rock salt achromatic objectives. The étalon plates were plane to about 1/100 of a wave-length and were coated by evaporation with aluminium. The resolving power of the étalon was about 1/10 of an order for light of wave-length 3100 A; the plates and separating pieces were made of fused silica. The instrument has been described before.