Physical and behavioral aspects of sexual maturation in male golden hamsters.

Male golden hamsters [Mesocricetus auratus) were examined from 3-9 wk of age for morphological, physiological, and behavioral indices of sexual maturation. Although each of the 8 variables selected for measurement displayed a unique developmental profile, a principal-components analysis of these variables resulted in the extraction of 2 principal components, one tentatively physical and gross behavioral maturation (accounting for 66% of the total variance) and the other designated perfection of mounting orientation (accounting for an additional 12% of the variance). Puberty in the male hamster is best viewed as 2 independent processes, rather than as a unitary process, or as an arbitrary term applied to a variety of unrelated developmental phenomena. The advantages of using multivariate composite scores and selected univariate measurements are discussed, as are methods of comparing developmental changes in different variables. An unexpectedly early onset of androgen secretion and an unusual pattern of body weight gain were confirmed.