The paper represents a reassessment of familial relationships within the Order Santalales. Rafflesiaceae, Hydnoraceae, and Balanophoraceae are excluded from the order, and their reproductive similarities with some Santalales regarded as evolutionary convergence. The exclusion of Grubbiaceae from Santalales sponsored by other workers is accepted, as is the reassignment to other families of the two only genera of Octoknemaceae. The remaining members of the order are placed into six families, viz. Olacaceae (possibly representing several smaller families); Santalaceae; Loranthaceae (sensu stricto); Viscaceae (sensu stricto); Myzodendraceae ; and Eremolepidaceae (containingEremolepis, Eubrachion, andAntidaphne). It is suggested thatLepidoceras, formerly placed near the above three genera, is more properly placed in Loranthaceae (sensu stricto) nearTupeia. The proposed scheme of affinities of the families of Santalales, as reconstituted, is based to a large extent on inflorescence structure, but is supported by floral morphology and other features. The thesis is defended that Loranthaceae (sensu stricto), Santalaceae, Myzodendraceae, and Eremolepidaceae represent four inde pendent lines of development from portions of the Olacacean complex. Viscaceae (sensu stricto) may be derived directly from Santalaceae.