Using the Born-von Karman and rigid-ion models of Elcombe for the optical phonons in α-quartz, we have analyzed the Raman spectra of isomorphic AlPO4 (berlinite). The resulting analysis yields several physical parameters which are not accessible to any other experimental measurement; for example, the dispersion of phonon branches in the high-frequency region. Since the AlPO4 Brillouin zone is halved in the [00ζ] direction compared with that of quartz, phonons characteristic of critical point A in quartz are Raman active in AlPO4. The near equivalence of Al + P and 2Si masses and of phonon frequencies experimentally determined in SiO2 and AlPO4 demonstrates that a significant amount of charge compensation exists in AlPO4, such that Al and P each have a nominal valence of ∼ +4, rather than +3 and +5. This is confirmed by the measured LO/TO splitting of modes which would be described as having wave vector (0,0,πc) in quartz: If Al and P charges and masses were identical, these degeneracies would remain unsplit by the lattice Coulomb field. The small splittings we observe (7-19 cm1) for each transverse/longitudinal doublet allow us to determine the difference in effective charge for Al and P ions. An estimate of Z(P)Z(Al)0.2e is obtained from the rigid-ion expression 4π2Σj(ωLO,j2ωTO,j2)=(4πV)ΣkZk2mk, and values Z(P)=2.4e, Z(Al)=2.2e, Z(O)=1.15e deduced.