Recent advances in the crystallography of bacteriorhodopsin, the light-driven proton pump, have yielded structural models for all intermediates of the photochemical cycle. For seven of the species, X-ray diffraction data were collected from trapped photostationary states in crystals, and for the two remaining ones the structures of selected mutants are available. The changes of the retinal chromophore, protein and bound water describe, at an atomic level, how accommodation of the twisted photoisomerized retinal to its binding site causes de-protonation of the retinal Schiff base and initiates cascades of gradual conformational rearrangements of the protein. One cascade propagates in the extracellular direction and results in proton release, and the other in the cytoplasmic direction and results in side-chain and main-chain rearrangements, formation of a chain of hydrogen-bonded water, and proton uptake from the bulk. Such local-global conformational coupling, with gradual spreading of a local perturbation over the rest of the protein, might be the uniting principle of transporters and receptors.