Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Alkali Halides at Low Temperatures

The spin-lattice relaxation time T1 has been measured for the Br79 and Br81 species in NaBr and LiBr and for the I127 species in NaI and RbI in the temperature range 15-77.3°K and also at room temperature, using the 180°-90° pulse technique. The data were fitted to the Van Kranendonk theory using several theoretical phonon spectra. The Van Kranendonk theory satisfactorily accounts for the gross temperature dependence of T1 over the entire range investigated. A consistent deviation of T1 to larger values than those predicted by the theory was noted in all of the samples in the range 3060° K. The theory is unable to account for these deviations in detail, but the results indicate that optical-phonon relaxation is important even at these low temperatures.

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