Multidimensional Rule, Unidimensional Rule, and Similarity Strategies in Categorization: Event-Related Brain Potential Correlates.

Forty participants assigned artificial creatures to categories after explicit rule instruction or feedback alone. Stimuli were typical and atypical exemplars of 2 categories with independent prototypes, conflicting exemplars sharing features of both categories, and "Others" with only 1 or 2 features of the well-defined categories. Ten feedback-only participants spontaneously adopted a unidimensional rule; 10 used a multidimensional similarity strategy. Event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded during the transfer phase showed a commonality between multidimensional rule and similarity strategies in late frontal brain activity that differentiated both from unidimensional rule use. Multidimensional rule users alone showed an earlier prefrontal ERP effect that may reflect inhibition of responses based on similarity. The authors also discuss the role of declarative memory for features and exemplars.