The effect of “selective”β‐adrenoceptor blocking drugs on the myocardial circulation

1 A comparison has been made of the effects of a relatively specific β1-adrenoceptor blocking drug (practolol) and a relatively specific β2-adrenoceptor blocking drug (butoxamine) on myocardial and general haemodynamics in anaesthetized cats. 2 Practolol, in a dose (10 mg/kg, intravenously) which had little effect on arterial pressure, heart rate, myocardial blood flow or myocardial vascular resistance, markedly reduced the effects of isoprenaline infusions on heart rate, aortic dp/dt, myocardial blood flow, vascular resistance and metabolic heat production, and the cardiac effort index. Isoprenaline induced vasodepression was unaffected. 3 Butoxamine (5 mg/kg, intravenously) decreased heart rate, aortic dp/dt, the cardiac effort index and myocardial blood flow and increased myocardial vascular resistance. This is taken as further evidence for the existence of β2-adrenoceptors in the myocardial microcirculation. 4 After butoxamine, the effects of isoprenaline on myocardial blood flow, myocardial vascular resistance and heart rate were unaffected but the peripheral vasodilator effect was abolished. The effects on aortic dp/dt and the cardiac effort index were potentiated. 5 It is concluded that the effect of isoprenaline in increasing myocardial blood flow is due predominantly to increased cardiac work and oxygen consumption and that practolol, since it has little direct effect on myocardial blood flow yet abolishes the cardiac stimulant and oxygen wasting effects of released catecholamines, has properties which indicate that it should be an effective and safe anti-anginal drug.