Effect of Murine Cytomegalovirus on the in Vitro Responses of T and B Cells to Mitogens

Both in vitro and in vivo murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection depressed the responses of lymphocytes to both B and T cell mitogens. The possibilities that macrophages or nonspecific T cell inhibition of B cells might account for the depressed responses were eliminated. In vitro data suggested that B cell responses are more susceptible to this depression than T cell responses. The possibility that the depression of T cell responses is not a direct effect of viral infection of lymphocytes is discussed. To investigate further the interaction between B and T lymphocytes and MCMV, mice with B and T cell deficiences were studied. A comparison of the susceptibility of athymic Nu/Nu mice and T cell competent Nu/+ littermates to MCMV showed that the LD50 for Nu/Nu mice is 10-fold lower than that for Nu/+ mice, but Nu/+ mice given an LD50 of virus died much sooner after infection than Nu/Nu mice given an LD50. Pathogenic mechanisms responsible for death may be different in these two groups of mice. Similarly the MCMV LD50 for B cell-deficient mice (treated with goat anti-mouse IgM serum) was 10-fold lower than the LD50 for mice treated with normal goat serum, but given an LD50 of virus, the latter died sooner after infection than the former. In contrast, there was little difference between the LD50 or time of death after MCMV infection of CBA × DBA F1 male mice (which are deficient in their response to thymic independent antigens) and their normal littermates, the CBA × DBA F1 female mice.