Platelet Serotonin of Hyperactive School Age Boys

It has repeatedly been demonstrated that hyperactive children improve in behaviour and school functioning when treated with amphetamine, methylphenidate and, according to recent studies, imipramine (Conners, 1972). While these drugs affect catecholamine and indoleamine metabolism, there have been few studies intercorrelating the clinical and biochemical effects of these agents. A small number of untreated hyperactive children have been found to have normal urinary catecholamine and indoleamine excretion (Rapoport et al., 1970; Wender, 1971) although whole blood hydroxyindole concentrations have been reported as reduced (Coleman, 1971). In the present study, platelet serotonin content was examined before and during treatment with methylphenidate and imipramine of a group of boys with the hyperactivity syndrome.