Risk factors associated with Epstein–Barr virus replication in oral epithelial cells of HIV-infected individuals

To examine risk factors associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) replication in the oral epithelium of an HIV-infected cohort. Longitudinal study of behavioural, medication and immunological parameters of HIV-1-seropositive outpatients attending a genitourinary clinic. Outcome measure was EBV DNA positivity in curetted oral squames, as detected by in situ hybridization. Logistic regression for repeated observations of the same individuals was used to analyse how risk changed over time. Fifty six individuals were studied; 158 patient-visits were made in total (mean, 2.8). Of 137 samples curetted from the tongue, 36 were positive for EBV DNA. Recreational drug use, oral sexual practices, therapy with zidovudine and aciclovir, and changes in CD4 and total lymphocyte counts were not associated with changes in risk. Alcohol drinking, elevated CD8 lymphocyte counts and fluconazole therapy were associated with a decreased risk, and cigarette smoking with increased risk. Behavioural and HIV-specific immunological changes may play important roles in promoting and affecting the course of oral EBV replication. Rigorous anticandidal therapy and avoidance of cigarette smoking may retard the development of oral hairy leukoplakia.