Analysis of phytochrome kinetics in light-grown Avena sativa L. seedlings

The phytochrome content, the rate of phytochrome accumulation after a light/dark transition and the rate of phytochrome destruction after a 1.5 d reaccumulation period in darkness were measured in light grown Avena sativa L. seedlings. The results using spectrophotometrical methods (Norflurazon treated seedlings) and the radio-immunoassay (RIA) (green seedlings) were almost identical. The rate of phytochrome synthesis was analysed by measuring the activity of poly(A+)-RNA coding for the phytochrome apoprotein. It was demonstrated that the rate of phytochrome synthesis is different in light and in dark. These results were confirmed by measuring the incorporation of radioactive label in vivo. Five minutes red (and 5 min far-red) light strongly reduces the rate of phytochrome synthesis. Even after prolonged dark periods only 50% of the initial rate of phytochrome synthesis is recovered for light and dark grown seedlings which received one red light pulse.