Experiments on superfluidHe4evaporation

A study of the evaporation of superfluid He4, using the heat-pulse technique, is presented; working at low temperature, 0.1<T<0.6°K, the phonon and the roton fluids are decoupled. We observe atoms evaporated by a phonon second-sound pulse between 0.4 and 0.6 °K. The temperature dependence of the signal is interpreted by a simple model where one phonon of energy E emits one atom of energy EE0 (E0=7.15°K is the atomic binding energy in the liquid). At lower temperature, down to 0.1 °K, a ballistic-phonon regime is observed, associated with no detected evaporation. Concerning rotons, we observe well-defined signals due to atoms evaporated by them. Analyzing the arrival time as a function of the liquid path, we propose an evaporation process such as one roton of energy E emits one atom of energy EE0. This leads to a minimum kinetic energy of 1.5 °K for the evaporated atoms, effectively observed. An estimation of the roton mean free path is deduced and a maximum roton velocity of 160 ± 10 m sec1 is observed.