Multiple Primary Neoplasms in Blacks Compared to Whites. III. Initial Cancers of the Female Breast and Uterus 2

The incidence of second primary cancers among white and black women with initial cancers of the breast, cervix, and corpus uteri was determined from the experience of the Charity Hospital of Louisiana Tumor Registry. Observed second primary cancers were compared with expected numbers to obtain a direct estimate of risk. Both white and black females with initial breast cancer had an excess risk of developing cancers of the buccal cavity and pharynx and an additional breast cancer. White females with breast cancer had a slightly increased risk for developing cancer of the lung and ovary and black females for developing cancer of the corpus uteri and leukemia. Both white and black women with initial cancer of the cervix had an excess risk for subsequent cancers of the buccal cavity and pharynx and lung. Women with cervical cancer had a small increased risk for subsequent bladder cancer.