The Influence of ‘Biorhythm’ on Accident Occurrence and Performance

Biorhythm is a term used in connection with a theory which proposes that three basic cyclical rhythms occur regularly in human beings starting at the moment of birth. The cycles ore the 23 day phsysical cycle, the 28 day emotional cycle and the 33 day intellectual cycle. It has been proposed that biorythms could be widely applied in industrial, medical, educational, athletic, military, governmental, and diplomatic fields This paper investigates the relationship between ‘ biorythms’ and events occurring in normal life. Data on single occurrence events such as accident data and unscreened doaths together with data on repetitive occurrence events related to performance at different sports were collected from various sources. A computer program was written to compute the state of each individual at the date of the event based on his birthdate and the biorhythmic cycle. Critical days of the cycles were also calculated. Results indicated that ‘ biorhythm ’ had no significant influence on accident occurrence or performance. No conclusive evidence in support of the current theory of biorhythm has been found in this study The general concept of biorhythm, its validity und its application in accident prevention and in performance prediction ms are discussed.