We study the S=1/2 spin chain with the Hamiltonian H=Jj=1L1 {σ2jx σ2j+1x+σ2jy σ2j+1yσ2jz σ2j+1} +βJj=1L (1-σ2j1σ2j), where σi=(σix,σiy,σiz) are the Pauli matrices. We find that a nonlocal unitary transformation reveals the hidden Z2×Z2 symmetry of the system. It has been argued that a similar hidden Z2×Z2 symmetry of the S=1 chain is fully broken when and only when the system exhibits the Haldane gap. We prove that the present system exhibits both an excitation gap and a full breaking of the hidden Z2×Z2 symmetry in a range of the parameter space including the line β=0, λ>-1. We argue that the range with such properties indeed extends to the limit β→∞ in which the present model reduces to the S=1 spin chain. This observation provides support of Hida’s conclusion that the Haldane gap in the S=1 chain is continuously connected to the gap in the decoupled S=1/2 system with β=0.