Multiplicity in etiology of diarrheal disease is illustrated sharply in the variety of subjects presented in this symposium. Nosologic entities based on clinical pictures long antedated bacteriological knowledge, yet with development of the latter it became clear that clinical definitions were not as sharply limited as had been thought (Watt, 1951). Gross relationship of certain bacteria to severe disease was appreciated early but refinements in bacteriological techniques have made more difficult the evaluation of clinical significance of many types of organisms. On the one hand it is apparent that supposedly highly pathogenic organisms like Shigella can be associated with mild illness. On the other it appears that under the best of circumstances a substantial portion of cases of diarrheal disease show no known pathogenic organisms, despite extensive search and excellent laboratory facilities (Wegman, 1951). It is only natural, therefore, that strong efforts be made to incriminate new or potential pathogens.