Color Centers in Mixed Crystals of Alkali Halides

Single crystals of KCl, RbCl, KBr and mixed crystals of KCl-RbCl, KCl-KBr, and RbCl-KBr of various compositions have been colored by 3-MeV electrons with doses 104 to 106 rads at 20°, -80°, and -190°C. The influence of radiation dose, coloration temperature, and composition of mixed crystals on spectral position, half-width, and intensity of the V1, K, F, F, and M bands has been studied. At room temperature K, F, and M bands were produced, and at highest coloration N bands; only F and K bands appear at -80°C. At -190°C coloration the V1, K, F, and F bands appeared. In mixed crystals the spectral position of all absorption bands deviates from the Mollwo relation (νdn=const). The deviation in V1, K, F, and M is toward lower, and in F toward higher energy. The half-width of all bands in mixed crystals is greater than in pure components except that of V1 in the KCl-RbCl system, where it is smaller. The intensity of coloration in KCl-RbCl decreases with composition and reaches a minimum at molar ratio 1:1. In KCl-KBr and RbCl-KBr the intensity curves exhibit a relative maximum and a relative minimum. The behavior of the observed color-center bands is correlated to crystal structure and to the configuration of color centers.

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