The polypeptide composition of axoplasm and of neurofilaments from the marine worm Myxicola infundibulum

1. Axoplasm from Myxicola contains two major polypeptides associated with neurofilaments, together with actin, tubulin and many minor polypeptide components. 2. Some of the minor polypeptides with molecular weights between 140,000 and 50,000 purify with neurofilaments under a variety of conditions and they appear to represent an integral part of the filament structure. 3. Peptide fingerprinting shows that the two major neurofilament polypeptides are almost identical. The fingerprint patterns from these major polypeptides share features with those obtained from the minor components. 4. Peptide fingerprinting has enabled us to propose a scheme for the main sites at which papain cleaves the major neurofilament polypeptides. In addition fingerprinting indicates how the minor components are related to the major polypeptides. 5. It is suggested that many of the minor neurofilament polypeptides could arise by proteolysis in vivo.