The central phonon peaks which have been observed at first- and second-order structural phase transitions are studied using a droplet model based on pairwise, nonlocal interactions. For second-order structural transitions, the peak is found to diverge as 1(TTc)2 in which T is the temperature and Tc is the measured critical point. Long-range order is suppressed by antiphase fluctuations between the temperatures TI and Tc where TI is the critical point according to mean-field theory. The divergence of the central peak for first-order transitions is not as strong, behaving as 1(TT0) where T0 is the coherent transformation temperature. The relatively slow atomic movements resulting from the growth and collapse of embryos for first-order transitions and antiphase domains for second-order transitions control the width of the central peak in frequency space. A calculation of the peak width for SrTiO3 at Tc+4 is in agreement with the measurements of Töpler, Alefeld, and Kollmar. When a substantial volume or shape change is associated with the first-order phase transition, the heterophase fluctuations which give rise to the central peak will be suppressed.