Uniaxial Fermi-surface nesting and spin-density-wave transition in the heavy-fermion compound Ce(Ru0.85Rh0.15)2Si2

Resistivity parallel and perpendicular to the tetragonal c axis of the antiferromagnetic heavy-fermion compound Ce(Ru1xRhx)2Si2 for x=0.15 has been measured in various fields along the c axis of the single crystal. A sharp upturn is observed just below the Néel temperature TN only in the parallel direction. This is interpreted in terms of partial gapping of the Fermi surface along the uniaxial c direction. The specific heat and susceptibility below TN are, respectively, analyzed into two independent contributions in the low-temperature limit: one is an exponential contribution of the gapped part of the Fermi surface with the energy gap about 10 K, and the other is a residual heavy-fermion contribution due to the remaining ungapped part of about 65%. These facts suggest an itinerant spin-density-wave transition based on Fermi-surface nesting in a heavy-electron band.