Soil Characteristics and Nutrient Status in a Northern Australian Mangrove Forest

The results of a study of soil factors in relation to plant growth for a tropical mangrove forest in northern Australia are presented and discussed. Basic soil properties are described briefly in terms of particle size distribution, bulk density and total carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Soil redox potential, pH, salinity and extractable nitrogen and phosphorus were monitored monthly over a 14 month period commencing April 1979. Sampling was carried out at 9 sites along a 370 m transect which exhibits strong gradients in topography, above ground biomass, canopy height and species distribution. Statistical analysis of the data shows that above ground biomass correlates significantly with the following soil factors, averaged over depth within the rooting zone and over time: Extractable P (r=0.85, pH correlation may be partly due to oxygen translocation by the plants to the root zone. Soil ammonium levels were within the range of 1–14 μg N per g (dry wt) and, unlike the above parameters, showed only minor variation with position along the transect. Variation of ammonium levels with time was apparent, but no significant correlation with rate of new shoot growth could be demonstrated, although depth profiles indicated depletion of ammonium by plant uptake during rapid growth periods. In addition neither soil ammonium, extractable phosphorus nor rate of plant growth showed any definite seasonal periodicity in this tropical system.