Remanence and non-exponential relaxation in an Ising chain with random bonds

We study the time-dependent properties of an Ising chain with random bonds Gaussianly distributed. We obtain some exact as well as Monte Carlo (MC) results. Remanence, as well as a seemingly logarithmic long-time decay of the magnetization and of the energy towards their equilibrium values is observed at low temperatures by means of MC simulation. The remanent values of the magnetization (13, starting with all spins up) and of the energy are derived. A simple and explicit physical picture of the mechanism behind remanence and the logarithmic relaxation emerges. The equilibrium value of q(t)=σi(0)σi(t)J is obtained via the MC technique; it also seems to relax logarithmically for low temperatures. In contrast with the two-and three-dimensional cases, it is shown how any MC calculation can start immediately from an "equilibrium state" in this model, a very convenient feature for very-low-temperature MC computations. We show that if H is switched on at t=0, then [m(H,t)H]H=0=(1kT)[1q(t)] holds exactly in any number of dimensions, where m is the magnetization per spin. A time-dependent susceptibility χ(H,t) is defined and shown to vanish (as H0) for low enough temperatures and finite t. The MC results for χ are in accord with this result and, if graphed versus T, show a hump at a time-dependent temperature. Finally, we compare the exact equilibrium specific heat, C, for this model with the results obtained by MC simulation of calorimetric measurements. Thus, a simple explicit case is exhibited of the difficulties which may arise in measurements of C in spin-glasses due to long-time effects.

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