1. Chemical analyses have been carried out on the muscular and fatty tissues from thirty-one beef animals and twenty-nine lambs, and also on the psoas muscle from twenty-nine pigs. The animals were selected to represent a very wide cross-section of our meat industry.2. The water content of muscular tissue (psoas muscle), calculated on a fat-free basis, was found to be the same for cattle, lambs, and pigs (immediately after death), the average being about 78%.3. Similarly, the original water-content of the fatty tissue (perinephric), calculated on a fat-free basis, was found to be the same for cattle and lambs, being on the average about 81–82%.4. The average water-content of boneless meat (i.e. the combined muscular and fatty tissues from a whole side or carcass) was the same for cattle and lambs, being about 79% (on a fat-free basis), shortly after death.5. In all these cases there was no significant difference between the different species.