Secondary photon and secondary ion emission during energetic particle irradiation of solid surfaces is assumed to arise due to excitation and de‐excitation of sputtered particles originating from a collision cascade induced by the incident projectile. The excitation is postulated to occur by two alternative mechanisms: path (a), where excitation occurs at or very near the surface of the solid due to atom–atom or atom–electron collisions; and path (b), where excitation occurs as the sputtered particle leaves the solid, but is still under its influence so that electron exchange processes are permitted. Once the excited and/or ionized sputtered particle is formed nonradiative de‐excitation processes are then included in the discussion which allow the excited and/or ionized particle to be de‐excited and/or neutralized. The result of these nonradiative de‐excitation processes is shown to provide a possible channel for the formation of new excited ’’daughters’’ by the de‐excitation of the initial excited ’’parent’’. Depending on the initial excitation probability of the parent the new excited daughters are shown to contribute to various energy regions of the excited and/or ionized secondary particle energy distribution. A mathematical formalism is developed based on the neutral sputtered atom energy and velocity distributions assuming a collision cascade origin for these sputtered particles. By including various models for the excitation probability, and the survival probability for excited particles once formed to not undergo nonradiative de‐excitation the resulting energy and velocity distributions of the sputtered excited and/or ionized secondary particles are calculated. These distributions are found to be a function of the emission angle depending on the model assumed for the initial excitation. From this formalism the total excited secondary particle yield may be calculated. The mathematical expressions herein developed may be used to interpret present experimental data in such a manner that the initial assumptions regarding path (a) or path (b) excitation may or may not be substantiated. The formalism also suggests new experiments which can be performed to further test the excitation processes involved in excited and/or ionized secondary particle emission and thereby increase the understanding of the origin of these phenomena.